Thursday, December 8, 2016

Action: Call for Campbell

Yesterda and today I called Louisiana for Foster Campbell. I did it two weeks ago at someone's house but this time I just did it at home. It is Virtual phone bank. I'm sure some of you have done before. 

I did it between running errands and spoke to 30 people. They were very lovely. And I encouraged them to vote for Foster. Can you please do it for an hour? The election is on Saturday. It is our last hope to help the senate with one more blue senator. Trump is going there this weekend to do a victory lap, suck up oxygen like the vampire that he is and promote Kennedy the GOP candidate. Please please please take an hour and make the calls from your cozy house. In your crappy clothes...that feel so comfy.

Go HERE to sign up for Virtual Calling. 

Calling Heals.

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