Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Action: Jill Stein. Yes. Jill Stein.

As candidate for President of the US, Jill Stein has a right to verify machine counted votes.    And this varification can impact the results of the election.  Including HRC's votes.    You can donate to help Stein make the 7 million goal.   

The Stein/Baraka Green Party Campaign is launching an effort to ensure the integrity of our elections. With your help, we are raising money to demand recounts in WisconsinMichigan, and Pennsylvania—three states where the data suggests a significant need to verify machine-counted vote totals.
This effort to ensure election integrity is in your hands! We need to raise over $2 million by this Friday, 4pm central just to make it in Wisconsin. In true grassroots fashion, we’re turning to you, the people, and not big-money corporate donors to make this happen.

Action Heals. 

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