Friday, November 11, 2016

Where are my Glamour Peeps?

This is not just to my LA & NY peeps, I have a feeling there are others of you out there who could be helpful.  

Who knows Spielberg, Geffen & Katzenberg?  

In order to go forward we will need to change some basic componets to the DNC.   And instead of  using these three men as ATM machines----  Spielberg, Geffen & Katzenberg need to tell DNC,  "It's time to do something different.   Go back to Grassroots."  

Instead of clogging up my city with street closures for mega fundraising dinners, I would rather these three guys write checks to help move congressional seats across the country.    

If you know anyone who knows them let's start that discussion.

Action Heals.

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